Electronic lab notebooks with Wordpress

Erick Martins Ratamero
Research Fellow

  • These slides: http://tiny.cc/camduWP (redirects to https://erickmartins.github.io/Wordpress.html)
    • Navigation: arrow keys left and right to navigate
    • 'm' key to get to navigation menu
    • Escape for slide overview

What is Wordpress?

an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP

What we'd like from an Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN), according to Steve:

  • Easy-to-use. Allow adding pictures and notes easily.
  • Versioning (ability to check edits and audit changes)
  • Backup and data security
  • Ability to export and go elsewhere if required
  • Free or low cost
  • Integration with existing lab systems if possible
  • Open software, future development
  • Clarity over who owns the software, who owns the data, and where the information is stored
  • Can be deployed for the entire lab

Most solutions stumble on steps 4, 5 and 7

Self-hosted wiki would solve almost everything - but it fails right out of the gate on step 1

Wordpress is not the only solution that works, but it works! (and if it's good enough for a third of the internet, it's probably good enough for us)

Introduction to Wordpress

Chapter 1: the dashboard

Let's start by logging in. I have created a training website at k2.mechanochemistry.org/training.
Now let's go to the dashboard.